Environmental Ethics, the Journal

Environmental Ethics is an Interdisciplinary Journal Dedicated to the Philosophical Aspects of Environmental Problems

Allen A. Thompson, Editor in Chief, Oregon State University

Environmental Ethics publishes articles, reviews and discussions exploring the philosophical aspects of environmental problems. Since 1979 it has provided a peer-reviewed forum for diverse interests and attitudes, bringing together the nonprofessional environmental philosophy tradition with the professional interest in the subject. It is published by the Center for Environmental Philosophy at the University of North Texas.


Environmental Ethics is a forum for diverse interests and attitudes, and seeks to bring together the nonprofessional environmental philosophy tradition with the professional interest in the subject. Articles are welcome in any area of philosophy or environmental affairs. Manuscripts are judged on their philosophical merit and their relevance to environmental affairs. Normally they should deal with questions of value or with problems of concept clarification. Because many readers have only a marginal background in professional philosophy, authors should explain technical philosophical terms and ideas more fully when introducing them than is normally required in other philosophy journals.

General Requirements

Article manuscripts should be submitted by email in Word format (.docx, .doc) and prepared for anonymous review. A complete submission includes a cover letter and appropriately formatted original manuscript.

The cover email letter should include:

  • Author(s) name(s) and academic affiliation(s)
  • Contact information, including email, phone number, and mailing address
  • ORCID iD links for each author (if available)
  • Confirmation that the manuscript is not currently under consideration by any other publication

Manuscripts must be original, unpublished work and the author(s) should not be identifable in the text. Submitted manuscripts should be double-spaced and include an abstract (150 words). Submitted manuscripts must not exceed 9,000 words, including the title, abstract, body, and notes but excluding the bibliography. Please indicate the word count when submitting the manuscript. For matters of style, consult The Chicago Manual of Style. The journal uses the Author-Date citation system, modified as follows: in-text citations should separate the year from the page with a colon, not a comma. For example, (Smith 2016: 315-316). The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes that do not involve changes in meaning.

In addition to articles the journal welcomes short comments, limited to 1,000 words. These are published at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Submission Procedure

Manuscripts and all inquiries are submitted by email to: Enviroethics.journal@gmail.com

Center for Environmental Philosophy

University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #310980
Denton, TX 76203-5017

Visit the Environmental Ethics page at the Philosophy Documentation Center to subscribe, read, or submit an article.